Lewis was a member of First Baptist Church, New Albany, where he served as deacon, Sunday School secretary, Sunday School teacher, Church Training teacher, chairman of the Benevolence Committee, the Boy Scout Committee and member of the Camp Armstrong Committee. He was instrumental in organizing Clarke Street Mission and serving as a teacher there. Lewis was a longtime member of the Kiwanis Club and served as a volunteer at the Baptist Memorial Hospital Union County.
Lewis loved fishing and spent much time teaching the sport to others, especially children. He was one of the organizers of the Connie Davis Fishing Rodeo held each year since 1983 at Camp Armstrong. Lewis served many years as clock keeper at West Union and New Albany basketball games. He was also a district football referee.
The Yocona Area Council extends our deepest sympathy to the family.
May the great Master of all Scouts be with us 'til we meet again, and may we follow the path that leads to him.